Jon Joanis, Eetoopiak (Study), 2024

Jon Joanis

B. Canada, 1969

The Works



Jon Joanis

Eetoopiak (Study)


Watercolour and gouache on Arches paper


Jon Joanis

Luna (Study)


Watercolour and gouache on Arches paper

Jon Joanis

B. Canada1969

B. Canada1969


Jon Joanis’ works focus on an exploration of surface and colour. Joanis recreates scenes from memory as well as visions from his imagination. Most recently, he has been working on a smaller scale, creating richly textured works that blend expressive tones with abstracted forms.

Joanis was born in Montreal, Canada in 1969. His work has been exhibited in the US and Australia and has been published in numerous publications.

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