Time + Place
07.03 – 13.04.2024
Includes:AcklingCloughEliassonFreeman BentleyGottgensLearoydOnuzulikeOsahorPartridgeRuschaSchlesingerShawSilvería MartinSouthamWhitereadZia–Works (18)–
Monday to Saturday, 10:00am – 5:30pm
45 Maddox Street
Huxley-Parlour are delighted to present Time + Place, an exhibition incorporating photography, painting, and sculpture to investigate how sixteen international artists observe and respond to themes of memory, ephemerality, place and materials.
Includes: Roger Ackling, Prunella Clough, Olafur Eliasson, Anna Freeman Bentley, Kate Gottgens, Richard Learoyd, Ozioma Onuzulike, Emmanuel Osahor, Rebecca Partridge, Ed Ruscha, Sarah Schlesinger, George Shaw, Graham Silvería Martin, Jem Southam, Rachel Whiteread, Anusheh Zia
Including renowned twentieth-century artists such as Ed Ruscha and Prunella Clough, as well as contemporary artists such as Olafur Eliasson, Rachel Whiteread, Jem Southam and George Shaw, the exhibition reveals a fascination for and engagement with our environment. The exhibition maps an enduring study of place as a source for understanding history, visual culture and landscape.
the exhibition