Molly Greene:Pseudopodia
18.04 – 25.05.2024
Monday to Saturday, 10:00am – 5:30pm
3–5 Swallow Street
Huxley-Parlour are delighted to present Pseudopodia, a solo exhibition of new works by Molly Greene, at our Swallow Street gallery. The exhibition, Greene’s first with the gallery, presents a suite of eight paintings that continue the artist’s investigation of amorphous forms, the internal and corporeality. The works depict forms which proliferate across the canvas with a fluidity of line, reproducing themselves through uncanny replications that playfully negotiate naturalness and unnaturalness.

Molly Greene. Spall (2023)
Greene’s practice considers the oversimplification of binaries, operating at the porous border between two seemingly distinct notions. The exhibition’s title, Pseudopodia, refers to the temporary projections manifested by amoebic cells in order to move, which are then reabsorbed into the cell in a continual process of animacy. This cyclical morphology, in which the internal and the external are continually in flux, and the ambiguous space between boundary and body are a point of departure in Greene’s work. Depicting the internal upon an external surface, converting the microscopic into the macroscopic, Greene’s forms become something with which we have to contend. In their self-replicating potential they call into question our own animacy and logics.
The Exhibition
The Works

B. United States1986
Multi-disciplinary artist Molly Greene’s work is inspired by the writings of philosophers and critics from her academic studies. She focusses on a critical examination of notions of the ‘femme’. Her paintings of flowers and plants, rendered in pastel hues, are reminiscent of botanical studies, however, Greene disrupts the traditionally feminine associated objects, giving her botanical structures their own agency to replicate and spread across the canvas. In doing so, the artist playfully explores the dichotomy of object and subjecthood.
Greene, born in 1986, received a PhD, MA and MPhil in American Studies from Yale University, graduating in 2019. Her work has been the subject of solo exhibitions in New York, London, Paris and Los Angeles and has been exhibited extensively in group exhibitions in the United States. She lives and works in Los Angeles.
Image credit: Emma Marie Jenkinson