GHP What time do you wake up?
WW 8.34.
GHP What do you eat for breakfast?
WW Coffee.
GHP Describe where you produce your work, and why you chose that space.
WW In New York City I have a studio for painting and a separate one for photography and video. In Maine and upstate New York I have painting studios and I photograph outdoors. Each place has a very different character and leads to different work.
GHP Do you have a particular daily routine that helps you work?
WW When I’m painting, I work on and off all day and only sometimes after dinner. If I’m preparing for a photo shoot, shopping for props and set up takes up a lot of time. Then when the shoot is done there is editing and printing.
GHP Where do you go for your creative sparks?
WW I have a lot books in the category of miscellaneous which I peruse.

GHP What are you currently working on?
WW I’m at my studio upstate in the Hudson valley. The light is glowing and warm. Good for taking pictures so I’ve been doing that. I’m also painting every day.
GHP What do you do when you need to reset your mind?
WW Go for a bike ride with the dogs…many miles!
GHP Who was your most important mentor or inspiration?
WW My high school art teacher Mrs. Laramie told me I should go to art school. I did. There, at Massachusetts College of Art, I met some great teachers and some terrible ones. I learned equally from both.
GHP Who do you speak to when you need a second opinion or who gives the best feedback?
WW My wife, Christine Burgin, who is amusing to disagree with.

GHP What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
WW You should get a dog.
GHP If you weren’t an artist what would you do?
WW I don’t know.
GHP How do you switch off from work in the evening?
WW I never thought about that.
GHP What book are you reading right now?
WW Give My Regards to Eighth Street: Collected Writings of Morton Feldman.
GHP Who is the other artist working today that you most admire?
WW Bruce Nauman.
GHP If you could have lunch with any artist from across time, who would it be and why?
WW John Cage. He would have something interesting to say.
GHP What are you most proud of in your career?
WW My drawings